Tuesday, August 29, 2006
TIP: A timeline exercise (day dreaming is good)
One topic that frequently comes up is achieving what you want - getting your goals. This months tip is a technique that often gets fantastic results.
"Daydreaming your future reality" may sound odd; but I urge you to try it, it can be very powerful. Do it, don't just read it!! What have you got to lose?
Step 1: Sit peacefully and allow yourself to think about your goal; list down all the reasons you want it, then put them in order.
Step 2: Still sitting comfortably think in detail about what you have today, before you get your goal. Think about how it feels, sounds, smells, is there a picture you can see in your head? Let yourself be immersed in the current reality, remember why you want this goal.
Step 3: Stand up take four steps forwards; now dream about the future reality - what is it like once you've achieved your goal. Can you picture yourself having achieved it; what does it sounds like, are there any smells or tastes? Notice these feelings and which ones you can make stronger, more vibrant, brighter, bigger. Make them bigger, brighter, more vibrant, turn up the volume. Enjoy being there for a minute.
Step 4: Now turn round and face where you were sitting; let your unconscious mind notice what it needs to know about and help you do in order to achieve your goal. Visualise the steps you went through to get to this fantastic future position, especially remember the first step!
Step 5: Now step back to the present, remembering those key things you need to do, how good it was to be there and TAKE THE FIRST STEP.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
TIP: Re-balance your life
I recently realised once again the importance of this for myself (example below), so decided to share this tip.
In coaching this is often called "the wheel of life", my version puts a bit more definition on it; but the key benefit is a simple snapshot of your life allowing you to hear clearly what is going on and focus on key actions. It almost seems to obvious and too simple to be true; but it does work, as I recently remembered.
Repeating the exercise each month keeps that focus; you may find that your key categories change over time (which in itself may provide some insight into your life).
- Consider the 6-7 key areas in your life (more than this and they're not really key), list them and beside each describe what perfection would be like at this stage of your life. There are some example categories below.
- Write down a score for each section, where 10 means you have that perfection, and 1 means you're a long way from it.
- Reflect on this and see what this simple snapshot of your life is telling you, are there 1 or 2 actions that you feel you should take?
- Ideally the scores should be fairly balanced, are there are a couple of sections with much lower scores?
- If so plan 1 simple action that you can take today for the sections which are below the others; then plan a follow up action that will take place over the next week and perhaps another for the next month.
- Ensure the actions are within your control, commit to doing them, and DO THEM. Remember "ideas won't keep, something has to be done about them" (Alfred Whitbread)
For the 6-7 areas you need to choose those that are key to you, not what you think others want of you, possible categories are: Friends , Social life, Work, Love live, relationships, home, hobbies, fitness, fun, family, outdoors, relaxation, living with nature, mental agility, create.
A couple of weeks ago I had been feeling tired, lethargic and had lost sight of where I was going, reading this now it sounds almost like I was going down with the flu. After a couple of days I realised that I didn't have a life threatening disease, but needed to take the advice that I often hand out to clients - look at the balance in my life, and take some steps to rectify it.
This simple overview showed me really clearly that whilst I had 8 or 9 in most areas, "fun and friends" and "home" were way down at 5. It was a great insight, a couple of simple actions and I was soon feeling like firing on all cylinders again; that night I invited a load of friends to a barbecue, and over the next few days finished off the DIY in the bathroom that needed to be done before they all came round!
We had a great evening, behaved like children (well some of us) and barbecued pineapple in rum butter is gorgeous!
Any feedback appreciated, I hope it's a helpful tip, call me if you want to discuss it in any more detail.